Breaking News ~ A Turning Point for NP's and PA's Bill Passed House and Senate, on way to be

The Barbara Lumpkin Controlled Substance Bill passed the House and Senate and is on it's way to the Governors desk to be signed into law!
Finally, after 20+ years, NPs and PAs will have the authority to prescribe controlled substances. As the last state in the country to pass such legislation, Florida NPs can finally join our colleagues across the nation in having the ability to provide a full complement of medications to our pateints!
Sincere thanks and gratitude goes out to Allison Carvajal (FNPN lobbyist) and Martha DeCastro (FHA lobbyist) who worked tirelessly, nights, weekends make this happen! Without their efforts on our behalf, this would not have happened!
Please join us in thanking the bill sponsors Senator Grimsley and Representative Pigman for their enduring commitment and passion to improve healthcare access in the state of Florida.