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About ANPB

The Organization Objectives:


  • Assist all members to enhance their professional and business practices’ 

  • Encourage networking and interactions between all members through business educational conferences and meetings

  • Provide and develop forums for discussion on issues affecting their business practices

  • Support the positive image of advanced practice nurses businesses to the general public and educate via health forums

  • Promote and develop stronger utilization standards to reduce the barriers for advanced nurse practices in business

  • Encourage and educate members through meetings or interactive connections on scientific research and advanced protocols in healthcare providing more effective and up to date services to patients

  • Encourage and develop a clinical and business mentoring program for exchange between student nurse practitioners and advanced practice nurses in business

  • Develop and encourage committee development for members to identify all individual areas of the advanced nurse practitioners business practice, to provide focus on items of concern and report to the Board of Directors and/or membership quorum.

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