Updates on How to Report COVID-19 to Florida Department of Health & Resource Information to Prov
Please find herein the latest information from the State of Florida Health Department on the latest for Reporting COVID-19 Cases and information to review on status.
Update on Reporting of COVID-19 for Health Care Providers and FacilitiesApril 3, 2020COVID-19 positive patients and COVID-19 laboratory results are subject to mandatory reporting to the Florida Department of Health under Section 381.0031, Florida Statutes.Pursuant to Rule 64D-3, Florida Administrative Code and to ensure a rapid public health response and disease control interventions, healthcare providers and facilities must immediately report all COVID-19 cases in the following persons to their County Health Departments (www.FLhealth.gov/chdepicontact):
Persons who live or work in long term care facilities, senior living centers, permanent supportive housing, or similar congregate settings (shelters, correctional facilities) who house persons at high risk of severe outcomes.All healthcare personnel (medical, nursing, AND any other facility employee, EMS)Persons employed in public safety occupations (e.g., law enforcement, firefighter).
Hospitalizations associated with COVID-19.Deaths associated with COVID-19.Suspected or confirmed outbreaks (≥2 cases in 96 hours) of COVID-19 in long-term care facilities or similar group settings should be reported immediately.
All positive and negative COVID-19 laboratory results should be reported to the department via electronic laboratory reporting or by fax.
Patients with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 or close contact with a case should be provided the following resources to help prevent disease transmission:
For additional information please visit https://floridahealthcovid19.gov.